Sunday, November 6, 2016

Reaction of Other Counties 

Reaction of other countries about Constitutional interpretation change of Japan, many countries are welcome to  exercise acceptance of collection of self defense.
So far, there are only China and South Korea of the neighboring countries are Opposite countries.
Especially Southeast Asian countries that are threatened their territory to China, have expressed their just to strong welcome as "I want you to fast decision.". To tolerate the exercise of the right to collective self-defense Japan can expect to be a deterrent to China. If Japan change the constitution.
As a result every member of United Nation have individual and collection of self defense and every countries can exercise by themselves, so Japan supposed to be exercised both self defense naturally said Prime Minister Abe. For this speech, most of countries are welcome with this idea because they will have new country to support together. On the other hand, reaction of other countries and inside of country are totally different. so I 'm looking forward to seeing how the Prime Minister is going to gain understanding of population.

Next is going to be Possibility of conscription system with new constitution of article 9. 

1 comment:

  1. I corrected the errors in your first paragraph and will send it to you. In future posts, you should add how you feel about this change and how it would affect people you know :-)
